Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Agoraphobia is the fear of crowded spaces that psychiatrists generally think is a chemical imbalance or learned response to stress. Some suffers even fear leaving their home. An anxiety disorder is a distinct possibility, but doctors do not take into account that malevolent spiritual forces may be affecting the patient too.

I recently did a series of Spiritual Healing Sessions for EJ in Europe. During my Session with her Spiritual Body I was told of an outside force that was creating fear for her. This could have been cause of many of her health problems, some of which were relieved after the Sessions. Her Spiritual Body listed many powerful things for her to do elevate protective energy levels - using incense at a certain time of the day, specific herbal mixes to place around her local area, an individual scent that would be beneficial and items to place in her home. While she did not mention to me that she was suffering from agoraphobia, it got me thinking that others suffering from the disorder may be helped by Spiritual means.

Everyone’s situation is different, so I will not list the exact things that EJ did, but if you or a loved on is suffering from agoraphobia, seeking a spiritual cause certainly something to think about.

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