Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I have some tips to stop smoking or any other physical habit like excessive alcohol consumption or biting your fingernails.
It my belief that the smoking habit stems from the inborn gift that many smokers were born to be Shamans, Medicine Men, or Healers. Shamans know that tobacco is a Holy Plant and they burn it ceremonially with reverence for insight and clarity. It is also used as an offering to Shamans for their work, and is gratefully given to bless and thank Mother Earth after harvesting other plants.
The commercial tobacco available now is full of poisons and radiation from pesticides and fertilizer so organic tobacco is best for ceremonial use. See
My tips for stopping the smoking habit are as follows:
Use the diet changes and products below for support and make a commitment to yourself to gradually taper off. The first few days or week do not smoke for the first hour after waking. The second week do not smoke til the second hour after waking, etc. When you get to where you are only smoking in the evenings do not smoke for one whole day to the next evening. After a week make it every other day of not smoking, then every third day, etc. After a while you will be only smoking at night two days a week, and then it will be easier to stop altogether. Make sure to tell a friend or family member of your commitment so they can remind you.
Tobacco is a member of the Nightshade vegetable family, so stop eating tomatoes, green and red peppers, eggplant, spinach and white potatoes. These can cause tobacco cravings.
Gradually lessen your intake of coffee, chocolate, alcohol, corn, soy, onions, garlic, sugar, sodas and soft drinks, processed foods, gluten-containing foods (wheat, oats, rye, barley) and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage. I do not necessarily mean to stop eating them totally, but just limit them to two or three times a week, less if you experience cravings or lowered energy.
Use these products daily:
Vitamin C- chewable and tablets. Tobacco depletes your bodys store and that causes cravings.
A good multi-vitamin from a health food store.
B Complex
Orange juice and other citrus juices
Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement in one pill as directed and as needed. These are Mother Natures mineral tranquilizers and will keep you from wanting to put something in your mouth.
Rescue Remedy and other Flower Remedies. These can be diluted and taken every 15 minutes as needed.
Mints - Mother Natures herbal tranquilizers - candy, gum, cough drops, hot tea and weak iced tea (use stevia to sweeten)
Homeopathic Tabacum and other homeopathic remedies. Look them up to suit your needs.
Spring Water - fresh from the spring if you can get it.
Keep in mind that your tobacco habit may be a blessing in disguise; you may be a Shaman-unawares. Know in your heart that the Spirits are on your side. Start to investigate Energy Healers, Shamans, Medicine Men and Spiritual Healers. You may just find yourself there.

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