Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Someone recently emailed me and asked me,"How do you do a spiritual healing in a week from long distance?" Here is my reply.

Distance Healing is easier for me than face to face healing, because I can detach myself from the client's emotions, which I tend to pick up face to face. This reduces stress for me and my client. I meditate over a few sessions with my Higher Power and Guides and receive suggestions for the client. These suggestions may be foods to add or avoid, certain types of massage or exercise, certain colors to wear, or specific products to use - mine or others. My products are provided free to the client.

During meditation I heal current and past lives by soul fragment retrieval. I also remove energy implants and other blockages, release negative entity attachments, and whatever else my Higher Power and Guides lead me to do. Sometimes I Journey in the Mongolian Shaman fashion to get assistance, messages and healings. All of this is similar to praying with intent, and I think of my Higher Power and Guides as religious people might think of G-d or Jesus. There are disabling undercurrents in many of us that are never explored since our society in general does not believe in Spiritual Healing.

I concentrate on only one client at a time for about a week so I can build on the previous messages and healings to see how they affect the client on a spiritual level. It is also a way for me to see what develops as the client does the things that have been suggested. Sometimes negative spirits or entities can be exposed or aggravated by a single healing, so I like to keep in contact spiritually over the week to see how things progress and catch any negativity before it can affect the client. I also get messages when I am not meditating or journeying, so when I concentrate on only one client at a time I know exactly who gets the message.

I only do sessions for individuals who ask for assistance for themselves after going to a doctor and need more than medical help. Unfortunately, some people do not want to be helped, so I do not take requests for others. The fee is $300.00.

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